Eugenic Individualism in the Great Abandonment

2503 words.

I’ve recently had my head utterly pulverized between the colliding pendulums of Eurabianism and Eurosiberianism. These are the beliefs that the survival of Europe depends upon the integration into an Islamic and Asian empire, respectably. The absorption of the West into the East is purported to solve every problem from plummeting birthrates to sexual degeneracy. For a political milieu that is still entranced by the romance of mass movements, this is an enticing proposition to many, especially those looking for the complete invterse of social atomization.

For those who concern themselves with the discourse over birthrates, the news has been dire: even outside of the West, births have plummeted, including throughout Asia, South America, and the Middle East. Furthermore, the insistence that mass migration be constantly increased to rescue the population growth fails to address the reality that even migrants have fewer kids after one generation. It seems apparent that no race nor religion can truly stand in opposition to Liberalism once truly encountered.

Despite this, the conquerors proclaim their ethno/religious dominance over Europe. Muslims, Africans, and Indians collectively trumpet that White people lack the vitality to replace themselves, and it is now payback time for a litany of ill-defined colonial grievances. They claim that in the demographic war, the Brown Tide has already risen never to recede again. What they purport to offer the conquered now is the secret to their vitalism, as the consent to the power of the conquered is apparently still required.

What one notices if they have the misfortune of interacting with these proselytizers directly is they do indeed speak of themselves as an inevitable tide. Or a swarm of locusts. Or devouring rats. They smirk as they announce their hostility to their host culture and all those who dwell within it, indicating that they are here to consume and reproduce.

This was always suspected by those familiar with This Thing Of Ours, but to hear it classified as a feature rather than a bug represents a discursive shift.

This sort of thinking is anathema to the Western mind, by which I mean the European mind. Even at our most hostile we would never cast ourselves as the virus which infects, and even the most egregious extremes of colonial misadventures never cited pollution through uncoordinated miscegenation as a pathway to total victory. This is the amorphous and collectivist biomass that beckons you currently, selling you your own dispossession with the grace of a seething telemarketer.

Most importantly, a survey of the data tells another story. Using American census data as a starting point, the narratives revealed indicate that White Americans have per-capita birthrates above Black and Asian groups, although far below Hispanic. If we zoom into the more granular data, it becomes apparent that within the White demographic, the birthrates among wealthy educated Whites are increasing, which runs counter to the conventional wisdom of lower-class Whites bearing the majority of offspring. The bending of this popular myth may be religious, financial, or even ideological. Furthermore the interest in reproduction within the higher strata of society may function hand-in-glove with transhumanism, viewing human breeding as the grandest experiment they are merely providing biomass for.

There is an inherent eugenic drive that has guided the trajectory of the European people and its diaspora. Our proclivity to persecute criminality by aggressively removing it from the gene pool was even identified by Foucault, and the distinct European relationship with execution and exile are the operative functions here. This has carried over into the scientific realm where even though eugenics as a serious field of study has fallen out of favour, even Progressives accept that there exist non-ideal genetic traits, and this awareness, among other nefarious agendas, seems to be a guiding force behind their enthusiasm towards abortion. Rather than identifying genetic traits they focus on the behavioral or the deeper implications of poor financial habits.

To hear them explain it, unless the best version of the offspring can exist, they would rather terminate their genetic line. The most progressive-minded people you know are likely calling large rural (White, Christian) families inbred sociopaths while debating over the most humane genocide for them. Whether hoping or coping, this germ of thought could only take root this deep in the White demographic. The notion that one should indefinitely delay reproduction on the basis of one’s savings is a completely alien thought to much of the world’s populace. Despite this, the perplexing uptick in educated and financially stable Whites seems to indicate a pro-natalist influence distinct from the sorrowful government-subsidized inter-familial breeding hives often gestured to as the antidote to Western malaise.

Make no mistake, demographics are destiny, and replacement repopulation is the primary symptom indicating civilizational crisis. But the solutions are not as simple as accelerationist emulation of Eastern behaviors. Europeans, especially Anglos, have strong opinions on who should not have children, including their neighbors. The Genocidal Liberals have a point.

The quixotic proposal that every member of the extended tribe ought to be “childmaxxing” rings hollow to most of their kinfolk. They suspect there must be an additional social mechanism to prohibit the proliferation of the exact same negative qualities they see in our invaders; fat, uneducated, riddled with genetic ailments, and their existence granted exclusively by the generous assistance of the most advanced welfare state in human history. For Liberals and Conservatives alike, it logically tracks that successful or otherwise admirable people should have more children and conversely those with disreputable qualities should be suppressed. This is all to say that Pro-Natalism advocates – and most Pro-Life advocates – secretly understand there are preferred outcomes, especially within their own tribe.

I was having a conversation just recently with a man who argued for the extreme of the former position, recommending having as many children as fast as possible even if it includes raping your own cousin.

The quest for both a pro-natalist and pro-eugenic solution to the demographic question is the heart of many fiery disputes.

Third-Worldism is a pejorative term that otherwise describes a real phenomenon, and those who reject its usage will otherwise embrace such descriptors as the “global south” or “developing nations.” Which is to say, the majority of the planet that exists outside of the Western context, and those who seek the antithesis to Western existence therein. Often labeling themselves as anti-imperialists, they find great numbers amidst the political Far Right, typically those stacking very real grievances against the state apparatus that has both betrayed and subjugated them.

One of the most most propagandistic of the many Communist subterfuges was the campaign to make themselves synonymous with labour movements, specifically unions. In reality, unions could trace their roots to the guilds of our distant history, and it was not Marx that innovated collective bargaining among the working class. Communist agitators infiltrated these groups across North America, corrupted the internal cohesion, and aligned leadership against the vaguely defined enemy of capitalism and, elsewhere, patriarchy. Similarly in Jim Hougan’s description of the American counterculture movement of the 1960s there is a trend where a decentralized, generative, populist array of causes – including the LSD scene, hippies, the antiwar movement, Eastern mysticism, and racial nationalism – were corralled together into a single incoherent bloc with the sole purpose of functioning as a tumor inside the host civilization. A united movement was loosely gathered under a single banner, and through their unity their disparate enemies collected and solidified into a single, massive mirror.

This is all to say: you should be deeply skeptical of outsider influence proposing unification.

Third Worldism is a tactical mirror, selling you on Liberal White Nationalism. Many will hear the siren song of Multipolarity as it promises ethnocentrism to defeat imperialism, permitting you to cleave as strongly as you desire to your identity in a multicultural internationalist movement. It is an empty gesture adorned with implicit assurances of an ethnic enclave within a vast polyglot globalist network. As rotted as our caved-in civilizational ribcage feels at present, it cannot even wish to content with the internal degradation of our opponents.

From Eastern Mystipolitik to the Islamic Caliphate, the conquerors are attempting to sell you serfdom as aristocracy, a strong indicating that the long promised dominance of BRICS is a tragicomedy at best, and they still require the consent of the West to achieve their goals.

The point of all this is to say the gulf between the West’s and the East’s understanding of reproduction is as expansive as that between our understanding of God. The former attempts to at least tacitly apprehend the nature of divine providence, and the intense creative love implied by the Word, while the other sees but another powerful entity to negotiate boons with. This is why every time I see a black elected official caught stealing taxpayer money to make rain over incomprehensible booties, he compares his press conference to the trials of Christ. A not-insignificant percentage of black Americans believe Jesus Christ is a cool horny thief you can make wishes to.

Even though the West is accused of pursuing infinite growth to the detriment of the rest of the planet, we see our enemies pursue the same expansionism processed by the spirit of imperialism in different guises, historically only constrained by their own environment, or capabilities. After decades of self-flagellation over pollution and reckless industrialization at the expensive of the poor Global Natives, the West finally peeked over to what abject horrors China, India, and Africa were visiting upon their natural environment and realized that we were the only ones who have ever felt guilty about burying batteries in fertile soil. You have never met a capitalist until you have met an illiterate Congolese huffing sacks of septic ooze.

These default anti-imperialists never grasped the true dangers of their shared pursuit, which is why they cannot propose a solution to the ideology of secular and hedonistic individualism when confronted with it. They can only pretend that the only people who won the game were the only ones playing the game, hoping that we put our faith in the benevolent humanism of China and Russia. They will promise Europe and its diaspora whatever it believes they want while pursuing its own agendas for its own people. It thus proposes its ingenious solution to liberal degeneracy: Superliberalism.

The only folk who an proceed through the fire of Liberalism are those who came up through; those who encounter it elsewhere appear utterly bewitched by its guarantees of consumerism, feminism, psychiatry, and welfare. Similarly, the only solution to our demographic problem will be generated within, and it will have Western characteristics rather than gravitating to the reckless pole of of the R/K Selection. The R-Selection strategy which resonates so strongly with Europeans is how you generate a new nobility of founding stock for the purpose of ethnogenesis, the K-Selection strategy is how one might believe they can outpace the genetic conquering of mass migration into the West. More crucially, it is seen as the only antidote to the shockingly apparent civilizational suicide embraced by much of the West.

There is a Great Abandonment perpetuated by Europeans (Whites) who are choosing total death and nihilism, and more than any other exogenic factor, this is the genetic bottleneck we must emerge at the other side of. This is the antithesis to collectivism, the belief that those aligned against their own interests will enjoy the birthrates they deserve, and be visited by the brutal consequences of their actions they must be forced to absorb.

This is where we strike at the heart of the matter and address, not the ideological peculiarities of the European people, but the nihilism which has obviously imprisoned its soul. Debates rage over which enemy crafted this nefarious plot – certainly a corrupted media and treacherous politicians are involved – and there is an obvious environmental component in the form of microplastics, hormonal chemicals circulating in our water, and the ceaseless encroachment of technology into our waking lives. But most troubling is the possibility that this drive towards self destruction is an intersection of several influences which make it complex enough to appear naturally emergent. Scholars of the future may look back upon this as an inflection point that could only be passed through rather than solved.

Deterritorialization births the vanguard of reterritorialization operating on its own terms.

This is the true meaning of ethnogenesis: the singularity of a new founding stock from which a revitalized people can grow. But you can’t save many, even most, who are determined to self destruct. Most importantly, you cannot let the desperation of dwindling numbers blind you to the very qualities you seek to propagate. Richard Darré spoke of the granular strategy of this project in “New Nobility of Blood and Soil,” where he approached the problem of how to regenerate the German people through the establishment of a noble stock modeled after pre-Christian patriarchy.

With scant few aristocratic bloodlines to draw from in the early 20th century Darré gestured to the Great War as the crucible from which a courageous and hardened class could be identified and granted both space, land and sovereignty to reproduce a hearty lineage. Even Hitler correctly pointed out that most of the excellent German stock was devoured by the frontlines while cowards tended to thrive back home, requiring a purposeful rebalancing against unnatural technological impacts that have only multiplied in our historical era.

The bottleneck of their time was the unprecedented meatgrinder of industrialized warfare, the battletested survivors of which composing the hypothetical stock to purposefully rebuild the nation. This was an immediate solution that required practical steps. Historically, material reward was not enough to boost the repopulation of desired classes, raining boons and incentives – including tax breaks and land – was attempted as far back as Rome to no effect. Essential to the scheme was the selection of ideal characteristics and zeal at the outset. To put it another way, you need people who truly believe reproduction has a spiritual or ontological essentiality to their identity, not just an unintended consequence of seeking pleasure. This is one immediate filter which may very well correlate with leadership qualities, intelligence, and other desirable characteristics of self-sustainability.

The qualities of the radically sovereign individual that must be replicated to create the horizontality of a remarkable people, rather than the inevitable cancer which spreads in every direction.

Those who chart this course will do so on their own will and determination apart from critics, they are the ones who will direct the future on their own terms to see us through this civilizational collapse. Their vitality will not be found in the propagandistic degeneracy of their enemies.

With all this being said, how could we possibly identify those who should be pursuing this project? The most direct answer is: if you are reading this, you are the type of zoned-in aristocrat I am talking about. It is you who should be having 7 children. If however you are willing to rape your cousin to achieve this, you should probably stop reading altogether.

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